I help busy moms and hardworking women re-establish a healthy relationship with food by breaking free from diet culture so they can have long lasting weight and health goals, regulate their hormones and find peace with food.

Are you tired of chronically dieting and not seeing results?

Take your first step toward breaking away from diet culture and finding the tools to maintain a stable weight and improve your health and medical condition through proper nutrition.

Are you struggling with a poor relationship with food and…

  • All the nutrition information out there, knowing what foods to eat to benefit overall health?

  • You were told by your doctor to follow a specific diet for a medical condition, but you feel frustrated and unsure of what foods to eat?

  • Loss of control around food, binging on your favorite foods, leading to feelings of guilt and shame?

  • Chronically dieting and then getting angry with yourself when you fall off the wagon?

  • Feeling tired and sluggish, unable to complete daily tasks?

  • Starving yourself to lose weight or avoiding certain foods that you believe are “bad”?

Kale Cookie Nutrition

I’m here to help

I’m glad you’re here! I started Kale Cookie Nutrition with the passion to help women heal their relationship with food and body image. I want to help women reach optimal health and most importantly self-care. I use intuitive eating practices to help you reach your nutrition goals and/or manage a specific medical condition. We will identify the root cause of your eating struggles and develop a personalized lifestyle plan to help you long-term.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Grab your Mindful Eating Hunger-Fullness Awareness Diary to help you get in tune with your body’s natural hunger and fullness cues.

Often as busy women, we eat mindlessly, reaching for food when we’re not hungry. Use this tool for yourself to create a mindful experience while eating. This a great tool to use if you have kids as well! It will help you (and your children) stay in tune with their innate hunger and fullness levels while keeping you on track with your nutrition goals.